Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reporting an Event

Berikut admin tampilkan contoh tugas Bahasa Inggris mengenai Reporting an Even :

Note :
1.    Who was there?
-          Indonesian ambassador to Uzbekistan and to Azerbaijan
-          Prof. Dr. Natalisa, kopertis around 2
-          Ex-Indonesian ambassador of Uzbekistan and Hongkong
2.    What was the event about?
-          Seminar give knowledge about dissemination Indonesian foreign policy with countries of Central Asia to students of Gunadarma University.
3.    When did the event take place.
-          On Monday, 26th april 2015, 09:00 a.m-13:00 p.m
4.    Where did the event take place?
-          Simatupang on campus auditorium, tower 1 A, 5th floor
5.    Why was the event scheduled?
-          To inspire and give knowledge about Indonesian foreign policy to all student of Gunadarma University
6.    Quotes from attendees :
-          ‘’Indonesia has coorperated about education, sport, and culture with Uzbekistan country. It is a my assignment as Indonesian ambassador.’’
-          ‘’In Central Asia, historical and culture heritage much found in the Uzbekistan. 4000 cultural heritage and 140 of all UNESCO has admitted.’’

Example reporting an event :

            Central Asia is the independent countries which previously was part of the Uni Soviet, Central Asia inhabited by 8 countries such as Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakastan, Krygistan, and Tajikistan. On the occasion of Uzbekistan in the fields of education, culture, and sport.
            They are giving much chance to students of Gunadarma University to do student exchange. besides the Indonesian ambassador to Azerbaijan during her stint deliver if there is only one student in Indonesia who continue the study there, while Azerbaijan itself set up a place to learn Indonesian courses there. diplomatic relations between Indonesia and the countries of the Middle East has long been established since 20 years ago, it's just a form of cooperation that is done is still minimal, while we know the middle east countries are countries rich with natural resources and oil. Indonesia should increase cooperation with Central Asian countries in all aspects.